The intent of Perkins programmatic monitoring is to directly review compliance with Perkins law, as well as observe evidence of progress on program activities and services. Grantees will be notified of their risk level and subsequent monitoring at the beginning of each calendar year.
Process: Before continuing, please see the Grant Monitoring web page for specific information about how colleges are selected for monitoring. Programmatic monitoring activities are dependent on the grantee’s risk designation.
- Elevated risk: grantees will be required to complete the self-assessment portion of the Monitoring Tool and submit documentation specific to the Documentation Checklist. Grantees will receive a joint fiscal and programmatic Final Monitoring Report, even if the on-site review was not conducted with ICCB fiscal staff.
- Targeted Technical Assistance: grantees will receive targeted technical assistance to discuss the previous fiscal year’s grant, as well as any questions or concerns they have regarding the current year’s grant. Grantees will not receive a formal monitoring report.
What Grants will be Monitored?
The risk-based monitoring system applies to all grants you receive through the ICCB. Thus, your ICCB CTE liaison will be monitoring your previous year’s Perkins Basic grant, as well as any Perkins Title I Leadership grants your institution received. If the Perkins Administrator is not the contact for a specific Leadership grant, then the applicable person(s) will be contacted.
- Monitoring Tool and Self-Assessment
- Documentation Checklist
- Sample timeline of monitoring activities (elevated risk)