What is the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment?
Perkins V places concerted focus on long-term planning, and utilizing
comprehensive local-needs assessment (CLNA) moves beyond checklist types of assessment processes and instead aims to facilitate a data-informed, continuous improvement process for community colleges to biannually assess the extent to which their career and technical education (CTE) programs and programs of study are aligned with local workforce and economic needs. Using an equity lens, the CLNA requires disaggregation of data to highlight, analyze, and work toward closing equity gaps for underserved populations. The CLNA process also crosswalks Perkins V and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requirements for standards and examination of equity and access for specific student subpopulations (Perkins V). Community colleges are required under Perkins V to engage a diverse body of stakeholders in the CLNA process. The summation of findings from the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment process are to inform school districts’ and community colleges’ development of their Perkins V local application for funding.
The CLNA is due on May 01, 2020, along with the local application.
Documents & Resources
- CLNA Word Version
- CLNA fillable template
- CLNA Guidance Document
- OCCRL CLNA webpage
- Informing Perkins V-Student Input Report
- Informing Perkins V-Employer Input Report
- 2020 OCCRL Academy Resources
- 2020 Equity Academy Centralia Slides
Fillable Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment Template
Postsecondary State Determined Performance Targets (draft)
Perkins V CTE Program Funding Requirements
Recorded Webinar– Illinois’ Perkins V State Plan
Appendix P- Secondary Local Application
Secondary Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment