Illinois Postsecondary Profiles Now Includes New Equity Profiles to Examine Higher Ed Data
This data and accountability website provides stakeholders with a powerful but user-friendly platform to access information on Enrollment, Affordability, Progress, Advancement, and Completion for 2- and 4-year Illinois higher education institutions. Building on the Institutional, Occupational, and Regional Profiles released previously, the new Equity Profiles component released in February 2022 allows data to be easily explored in new ways via student demographics.

ICCB Centralized Data
ICCB is the State Education Authority responsible for collecting and maintaining enrollment, completion, and student characteristic information on community college students. Illinois Community College System data collection, administrative data matching, and reporting is effectively and efficiently coordinated through ICCB. ICCB utilizes its centralized data system to furnish information for state and federal accountability purposes, promote student and institutional improvement, meet research needs, and formulate policy. By compiling student and staff-level data centrally it ensures continuity and consistency in reporting across the system.