Why transfer?
If you begin your college education at a community college your costs will be less, classes will be smaller, and you’ll be closer to home. Community colleges are committed to providing student access and promoting student success.
Who is a transfer student?
A transfer student is someone who begins a program of study at one institution then leaves that institution to take additional courses at another institution.
What does articulation mean?
Articulation is a way of equating courses taken at one institution with courses at another institution.
What does transfer mean?
Transfer is applying earned college credit toward a degree at one institution, for programs or courses completed at another.
What is the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI)?
IAI is a statewide effort to facilitate student transfer from one IAI-participating Illinois college or university to another. More than 100 public and independent (private) two-year and four-year institutions participate.
How does the IAI benefit students?
If students complete a specific “package” of general education courses and transfer, the receiving institution will accept this package in lieu of its own general education requirements. Students also benefit if they complete a degree with the IAI gen ed package, or if they complete courses that have been approved for statewide articulation and are listed on the iTransfer web site.
What is the iTransfer web site?
www.iTransfer.org is the official web site for the Illinois Articulation Initiative. It contains valuable information about how courses transfer from one college to another in the state of Illinois.
What courses will transfer statewide?
There are more than 19,000 courses that transfer statewide! You can choose from more than 8000 courses to complete the iTransfer Gen Ed package that is accepted at any IAI participating institution. Other courses can be taken to satisfy graduation requirements in nearly 30 different majors.
Will I lose credit if I transfer?
Here are some reasons that courses won’t transfer:
If a student failed a course
If a course was taken too long ago
If the course wasn’t required for a degree
If the course was taken more than once
f the course was taken at an institution that wasn’t accredited