Final Allocations
FY2025 | FY2024 |FY2023 |
FY2022 (Supplemental) |
FY2022 | FY2021 | FY2020 | FY2019 | FY2018 | FY2017 (Supplemental) | FY2017 (FY16 & FY17 Stopgap Budget) | FY2016 | FY2015 (Mid Year Reductions) | FY2015 (Updated 5/15/15) | FY2014 | FY2013 | FY2012 | FY2011 | FY2010 | FY2009 (Mid-Year Rescission) | FY2009 (Operating Grant and CTE Payout Schedule) | FY2009 | FY2008 | FY2007 | FY2006 | FY2005
Governor’s Education Emergency Relief Fund (GEER)
Operating Budget and Technical Appendix
FY25 | FY24 |FY23 | FY22 | FY21 | FY20 | FY19 | FY18 | FY17 | FY16 | FY15 | FY14 | FY13 | FY12 | FY11