deved enrollementsDevelopmental Education at Illinois community colleges is an approach to education that focuses on helping students achieve their full potential, through accessible pathways to college completion. Through Developmental Education, colleges are able to support both academic and personal growth of under-prepared students through instruction, counseling, advising, and tutoring. Unfortunately, many developmental students face tremendous barriers, with less than one quarter of developmental students actually completing a degree or certificate within eight years of enrollment into college. Addressing the needs of developmental students is one of the most challenging and important issue facing community colleges in Illinois.

  • Developmental education enrollment and rate of overall enrollment have remained relatively constant over the last ten years.
  • Students indicated being in Baccalaureate/Transfer Curriculums accounted for 50 percent developmental education enrollments.
  • The majority (8 out ten) of community colleges are within 10 percent of the statewide rate of students enrolling in developmental education courses.
  • Approximately 60 percent of students in developmental education take Math Only.
deved enroll types deved enroll

Additional efforts aimed at reducing remediation include work statewide on co-requisite remediation website.


