The Public Community College Act Sec. 3-80. Remediation Data Sharing Agreement (110 ILCS 805/3-80) requires the following:

Beginning January 1, 2024, a community college district, upon a request from the school district of a high school located within the boundaries of the community college district, shall provide individualized disaggregated data on the enrollment of students in community college remediation courses from the most recently completed academic year. A signed remediation data sharing agreement between the school district and the community college district must be entered into before sharing remediation data…..

……. If, within 90 calendar days after the school district’s initial request to enter into a remediation data sharing agreement with the community college district under this Section, the school district and the community college district do not reach an agreement on all of the provisions of a remediation data sharing agreement, then the school district and community college district shall jointly implement the provisions of the model remediation data sharing agreement developed under subsection (d) for those provisions for which an agreement could not be reached and shall jointly implement the remaining provisions for which agreement could be reached…..      

ICCB and Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) collaborated to develop the Model Remediation Data Sharing Agreement. It is available in Word and PDF.

It is encouraged that a school district and community college foster a positive relationship and partner to use their own locally developed data sharing agreements. However, the Model Remediation Data Sharing Agreement can be utilized if there is not agreement reached within 90 days of the school district making the request to the community college. Whether it be a locally developed data sharing agreement or the Model Remedial Data Sharing Agreement, school districts and community colleges should consult with their own legal counsel regarding clarity and questions about data sharing under such agreements. Protection of student data is of the utmost importance.