Information that identifies an individual is protected by ICCB in accordance with stringent state and federal laws. ICCB records and information about any individual is confidential and shall be protected from unauthorized use and/or disclosure. Community college data furnished by the ICCB on behalf of Illinois community colleges are licensed\provided for the following: 1) to meet state and federal accountability reporting in statute, 2) to promote student and institutional improvement, and 3) to meet Illinois Community College System prioritized research needs. Priority for Data Sharing Agreements is given to statewide Illinois community college data sharing initiatives that reduces reporting burden on Illinois community colleges.
Data Sharing Agreements outside legislated state and federal accountability reporting must be approved by the ICCB MIS/Research and Longitudinal Data Advisory Committee and the ICCB Executive Director. Reimbursement for ICCB costs of producing such data pursuant to a Data Sharing Agreement outside state and federal statute may be determined by the time and complexity of the request. Any individual-level data request must be submitted via ICCB’s Data Request Form. Please contact the ICCB Senior Director for Research and Policy Studies for the ICCB Data Request Form.
After completion of the ICCB Data Request Form, the ICCB Senior Director for Research and Policy Studies may follow-up with guidance and/or additional questions for the requestor.
Initial review of ICCB Data Request Forms occurs on a quarterly basis. Review and approval of Shared Data Agreements is then needed by the ICCB MIS/Research and Longitudinal Data Advisory Committee and the ICCB Executive Director. Upon approval, a Shared Data Agreement will be executed with the requestor before the secure release of individual-level data. Once the Shared Data Agreement is executed, the secure release of individual-level data to the requestor will vary depending on the complexity of the request.
Please note ICCB Shared Data Agreements have specified time limits. Agreements may be renewable for a specified period with ICCB authorization. As stipulated in all ICCB Shared Data Agreements, community college data furnished by ICCB are and remain the property of ICCB on behalf of Illinois community colleges, and shall be returned to ICCB upon request or destroyed as specified by ICCB. The recipient or their authorized contractors shall return or destroy the original data set and any copies as specified by ICCB in Shared Data Agreements.
Thank you for your interest in ICCB data.