Statewide Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics (TDL) Bridge Curriculum Cover
Statewide Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics (TDL) Curriculum: Instructions for Use
Career Awareness Module
A) Introduction
B) Module
C) Activities/Resources for Outcomes
D) References
E) Standards for Outcomes
F) Resource Files:
– Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Worksheet
– MBTI Table
– Suggested Careers for Myers-Briggs Type
Technology Awareness and Skills Module
A) Introduction
B) Module
C1) Activities/Resources for Module Outcomes 1-3
C2) Activities/Resources for Module Outcomes 4
C3) Activities/Resources for Module Outcomes 5-6
C4) Activities/Resources for Module Outcomes 7-9
C5) Activities/Resources for Module Outcomes 10-15
C6) Additional Resources
D) References
E) Standards for Outcomes
F) Resource Files:
– Using Email
– Getting Started with PowerPoint
– Ford Scanning – Dockworker Inbound Scanning Instructions
Academic Success Module
A) Introduction
B) Module
C) Activities/Resources for Module Outcomes
D) References
E) Standards for Outcomes
Contextualized Reading Module
A) Introduction
B) Module
C) Activities/Resources for Module Outcomes
D) References
E) Standards for Outcomes
F) Resource Files:
– Eye Protection Review-OSHA
– Eye Protection Catalog
– Ford Kansas City SOP
– Green Vocabulary
– John Deere: SE Dock Sort Guide
– Logistic Planning Managemt Module
– Vehicle Request Authorization Form MM-11
– Material Safety Data Sheet Sample
– Material Safety Data Sheet Activity
– Positive-Negative Chart
– Tool Kit: Reading an MSDS
– UCHC Form 11C
– Warehouse Staff Performance Appraisal
Contextualized Writing Module
A) Introduction
B) Module
C) Activities/Resources for Module Outcomes
D) References
E) Standards for Outcomes
F) Resource Files:
– 21st Century Writing Teacher’s Guide
– 21st Century Writing Workbook
– FOB Definition
– Ford Dock Twin Cities HVC Inbound SOP
– Illinois Traffic Accident Report
– John Deere Delivery Guide
Contextualized Math Module
A) Introduction
B) Module
C) Activities/Resources for Module Outcomes
D) References
E) Standards for Outcomes
F) Resource Files:
– IDOT Maximum Legal Dimentions & Weights
– Exploring Mean, Median, Mode, and Range with LEGOS
– Exploring Equivalent Fractions with LEGOS
– Exploring Multiplication and Division with LEGOS
– Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Print and Internet Resources
– A Guide to Truck Trailers
Contextualized Math Module Supplemental Lessons 2015
Warehouse Receiving and Storage
Warehouse Packing and Loading
Warehouse Shipping
Truck Driving Calculations
Time and Mileage Calculations
Contextualized Science Module
A) Introduction
B) Module
C) Activities/Resources for Module Outcomes
D) References
E) Standards for Outcomes
Contextualized Social Studies Module
A) Introduction
B) Module
C) Activities/Resources for Module Outcomes
D) References
E) Standards for Outcomes
Introduction to Postsecondary Education Module
A) Introduction
B) Module
C1) Activities/Resources for Module Outcomes 1
C2) Activities/Resources for Module Outcomes 2
D) References
E) Standards for Outcomes
Career Development Module
A) Introduction
B) Module
C) Activities/Resources for Module Outcomes
D) References
E) Standards for Outcomes
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