Grant Opportunities

Title I Leadership Grant Opportunities

The ICCB administers other grant opportunities that support postsecondary CTE in Illinois, many of which are made available through federal Perkins Title I Leadership funds. These grants are both competitive and noncompetitive in nature, and are offered at various times throughout the year and have specific, targeted purposes that reflect the State’s mission and vision for CTE, as well as federal initiatives and the ICCB’s Board goals.

Per regulations in the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA), a notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) will be posted for 45 days on the ICCB CTE website, as well as the GATA Grantee Portal, and disseminated to all eligible recipients.

Grant Opportunities for fiscal year 2021:

Past Grant Initiatives

The ICCB administers several other funding opportunities that support postsecondary CTE in Illinois. Many are made available through Title I Leadership funds. These grants are offered at various times throughout the year and have specific, targeted purposes. Below are the grants that were available for Fiscal Year 2018.


FY21 CTE Improvement Grant

This grant package is designed to support the improvement and innovation of career and technical education (CTE) programming throughout the Illinois community college system. The selected focus areas align with the Illinois State Plan for CTE, statewide need, and national initiatives in CTE. Grant recipients will be able to choose from the three improvement project areas below. These project areas are general in nature to provide for local innovation and flexibility in implementation. Each objective adheres to Section 135 of the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V). Applicants must thoroughly review the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) before applying.

  • Enhancing Student Transitions
  • Support Services for CTE Students
  • Strengthening the CTE Educator Pipeline


Posted: April 28, 2020
Grant Range: $25,000-$100,000
Grant Period: July 01, 2020 – December 31, 2021
Eligible Applicants: Community Colleges
Grant Type: Competitive
Applications Due: July 10, 2020 to


Grant application materials:


Pursuant to federal EDGAR guidelines, grantees are required to submit quarterly reports. Quarterly reports are due 30 days after the end of each quarter. As the period for this grant spans a year and a half, there are six reporting quarters.

FY2021 CTE Improvement Grant Reporting Template

FY19 Leadership Grant Package

**This grant ends on June 30, 2020.**

The purpose of this competitive grant opportunity is to support the improvement and innovation of Career and Technical Education (CTE) programming throughout the Illinois community college system. The selected focus areas align with statewide need and national initiatives in CTE. Grant recipients will be able to choose from the following three improvement project areas:

  1. Enhancing Student Transitions
  2. Support Services for CTE Students
  3. Work-based Learning

FY2019 Leadership Grant Package Notice of Funding Opportunity
FY2019 Leadership Grant Package Application
FY2019 Leadership Grant Package Uniform Budget