Step 1: Follow the institution’s complaint procedures.

Students, or consumers, who have a complaint they are trying to resolve with a specific community college are encouraged to try to resolve their issue through their institution’s formal grievance procedures. All colleges have specific processes to address complaints locally and must follow the college’s policy before a formal complaint is filed with the ICCB.

You will find information regarding the institution’s complaint procedures on the college’s website, in the student handbook, and/or in the course catalog. You may also contact the Dean of Students.

  • For issues regarding financial aid or tuition and fees, go directly to the financial aid or business office of the institution you attend.
  • For grade disputes, try to resolve it with your professor, the chairperson of the department, the dean of the college where you are enrolled, or the vice president for academic affairs, in that order.
  • For concerns related to the behavior of an individual student or professor, you should address this concern with that person first. If this is not feasible, discuss your concern confidentially with the appropriate staff person in the Dean of Student’s office or the office of student services (e.g. vice president of student development).

This is not an all-inclusive list of complaints for additional information please refer to your college catalog.

If your safety or security is threatened, contact the proper authorities (e.g. campus security or local police) immediately.

If your complaint is not resolved at the institutional level, you may file a complaint with the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB). Please see instructions below.


Step 2: Prepare to register a formal grievance with ICCB.

After you have made all attempts to resolve your issue(s) with the institution, ICCB may moderate communication between you and the college.

The ICCB is the state coordinating board for the Illinois Community College System which covers the entire state with 48 colleges in 39 community college districts.

Here is a list of Illinois’ Community Colleges

All other higher education institutions are not within the authority of ICCB.


Step 3: Gather all the documentation you have collected during your attempt to resolve the matter directly with the institution.

This documentation should include your complaint filed with the Dean of Students office; or the office designated at the college.

Include all other relevant documents and information which, depending on the nature of your case, in particular, may include:

  • A copy of the written complaint you submitted to the college
  • Official letters issued by the college regarding your case
  • A timeline of events including the name of the department and the name and or title of staff with whom you spoke


Step 4: Register a grievance using ICCB’s Institution Complaint Form.

If you wish to remain anonymous, ICCB will not be able to contact you or address your formal complaint. Anonymous complaints will be reviewed, logged, and counted in ICCB reports about institutional complaints.

Complaints can be submitted to ICCB in the following ways:

  • Print and complete the Complaint Form. Then mail it and relevant documents to:

Student Complaints
Illinois Community College Board
401 E. Capitol Avenue
Springfield, IL 62701

  • Scan your completed Complaint Form and relevant documents. Then email to:

  • Call for instructions on how to file a complaint:

(800) 573-4604 or (217) 557-2741

For complaints involving other educational institutions contact the follow:

Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE)
Register an Institutional Complaint

  • Four year colleges and universities
  • Private colleges
  • Private Business and Vocational Schools
  • For-profit universities and colleges

 Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE)
Special Education Complaint Investigation Process

  • Public and private high schools

External Resources

  • Out-of-State Distance Learning Students
    Students with complaints who are residents of another state and taking distance learning courses at an Illinois community college are asked to identify their home state as Illinois participates inSARA, an agreement with other states which provides authorization in those states for Illinois institutions and a mechanism for addressing student complaints.
  • Out-of-State distance learning students may also file a complaint in their home state. Information can be found.

The Attorney General encourages individuals to contact the office to report hate crimes and instances of discrimination or harassment by submitting a complaint using the links below. If you have questions, you may email the Civil Rights Bureau staff at or call the Civil Rights Hotline at 1-877-581-3692