Professional Development

Professional Development Opportunities 

Upcoming events:

December 15, 2020- 2:30-3:30 PM: Strategies to Support Economically Disadvantaged Students

January 13, 2021- 2:30-3:30 PM: Strategies to Support English Learners

January 27, 2021- 2:30-3:30 PM: Strategies to Support Students with Disabilities

February 10, 2021- 2:30-3:30 PM: Strategies to Support Student Interested in Nontraditional Fields

February 24, 2021- 2:30-3:30 PM: Strategies to Support Parenting Teens, Single Parents and Pregnant Mothers 

March 10, 2021- 2:30-3:30 PM: Strategies to Support Out-of-Work Individuals


Professional Development Network: The Illinois Center for Specialized Professional Support (ICSPS), in partnership with the ICCB, has established the Illinois Professional Development Network. This network aims to develop an ongoing professional development platform for community college CTE administrators, coordinators, and faculty.  The intent is to ensure that community college career and technical programs continue to focus effectively on student outcomes, strengthen the connections between secondary and postsecondary education, and improve program accountability. Below is a list of upcoming professional development.

For more information about what professional development is available in your region, visit the ICSPS website or contact Aime’e Julian, Ph.D, at 309/438-5122 or

Forum for Excellence

The 2021 conference is being hosted virtually on September 23 & 24, 2021. We are planning an authentic, engaging, and dynamic virtual conference that is as safe as possible. We are excited to bring you this amazing content virtually and FREE of charge to support you, your program, and your students.  Additionally, the Fall Postsecondary Perkins Administrator Meeting will be held on September 22, 2021 from 10:00am —3:00pm as a pre-session to the conference.

The Forum for Excellence is Illinois’ premier professional development event. The conference highlights the continuing partnership of Career, Technical, and Adult Education in Illinois. The Forum is sponsored by the Illinois Community College Board and hosted by the Illinois Center for Specialized Professional Support and the Southern Illinois Professional Development Center.

Suggested Audience:

Includes but is not limited to Postsecondary Perkins Directors/Coordinators, Adult Education Administrators/Coordinators, Deans, Chief Academic Officers, ABE/ASE/ESL Instructors, EFE System Directors, Superintendents, and Principals.

Forum for Excellence Registration:

Archived- Forum 2017: You can find the schedule and active links to the presentations and materials here.

CTE Learning Community

The purpose of the Postsecondary CTE Learning Community is to provide a platform where Perkins Administrators can share effective practices within their institutions and programs, and troubleshoot concerns/issues in relation to Perkins and CTE programs. Community talks will be held once a month on Tuesdays at 10a.m. via GoToMeeting. A new topic will be posed to the community prior to each webinar with a request for questions and discussion points. Learning Communities are presented and hosted by ICSPS, with an occasional guest speaker, depending on the topic.

How to Join the Conversation:

Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3131
Access Code: 531-071-749

First GoToMeeting? Do a quick system check:

      Perkins Cohort

      The Perkins Administrator Cohort is comprised of postsecondary CTE individuals from the Illinois Community College system. It is designed to update and inform such individuals and to build awareness and understanding of the processes which are necessary to navigate the system. The cohort structure utilizes a networking resource to disseminate information, share resources, and provide details on opportunities for professional development.

      FY2020 Perkins Administrator/Guidelines meeting- April 16, 2019

      This meeting encompassed the FY2020 Perkins Guidelines and provided useful information about Perkins V, the ICCB’s updated monitoring process, and maintaining fiscal compliance. Additionally, Dr. Aimee Julian, Director of the Illinois Center for Specialized Professional Support (ICSPS), presented on the new Perkins special populations under Perkins V and presented a beginner’s introduction to Integrated Education and Training (IET)

      The meeting was followed by the Transitions Academy Spring Session, which occurred the following day. Those materials can be accessed on the ICSPS website.

      Past PD Initiatives and Resources

      CTE Counseling Academy: Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment- Webinar 
      Thursday, January 30, 2020
      10:00 AM – 11:00 AM CST

      CTE Counseling Academy: Who is in Your CTE Network?- Webinar
      Thursday, February 13, 2020
      10:00 AM – 11:00 AM CST

      CTE Counseling Academy: Examples of Effective CTE Networks- Webinar
      Thursday, February 27, 2020
      10:00 AM – 11:00 AM CST

      For more information on the above professional development and links to register, be sure to visit the ICSPS webpage.

      Illinois Association for Career and Technical Education (IACTE) Conference- Building Careers for 90 Years!
      February 13-14, 2020
      Bloomington Normal Marriott Hotel and Conference Center

      Illinois 60 by 25 Conference
      February 25-26, 2020
      Elgin Community College

      Teach CTE: A National Teacher Recruitment and Retention Summit- ACTE
      February 26-28, 2020
      Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

      February 15 Curriculum Integration Webinar
      This webinar will present an overview of what curriculum integration looks like by assessing the difference between integration and contextualization, presenting examples of integration, and providing integrative learning strategies.


      February 27 FY2019 Postsecondary Perkins Grant Guidelines MeetingSpringfield
      The CTE team of the ICCB will provide an overview of the FY 2019 Postsecondary Perkins Grant Guidelines, updates on monitoring, upcoming professional development, etc.


      March 06 Academic Advising and Counseling WorkshopTinley Park

      April 12  Academic Advising and Counseling WorkshopSpringfield
      This professional development opportunity aims to bridge the gap between high school counselors and community college CTE programs. Participants will engage in discussions about debunking myths regarding counselors and CTE and will learn how to build and maintain effective partnerships between the secondary and postsecondary systems. Join state leadership to learn about the opportunities available through career and technical education (CTE), how to access occupational information for your students, and the benefits of career exploration and work-based learning. Moreover, the session will focus on awareness of nontraditional occupations and the vast opportunities they provide for our students. This opportunity is being offered regionally (north and central) and registration is limited.

      April 10 Windmills TrainingBloomington
      “Windmills” is a high-impact attitudinal training program that integrates disability into the spectrum of diversity awareness. Join us for an upbeat, daylong workshop aimed at raising awareness of the limitations often imposed on people with disabilities due to a lack of knowledge or low expectations. Participants will leave with strategies for success in engaging employers and navigating the educational landscape and work place. The training focuses on attitudes and human factors, but it also concerns issues including legal requirements and accommodation.


      May 23 Special Populations AcademyBloomington
      The Special Populations Academy is an opportunity for Career and Technical Education professionals to learn about the innovative initiatives and activities that have been developed through the FY18 Special Populations Support Grant. The academy will feature a national equity expert and highlight national resources related to serving students entering in to nontraditional occupations.

      May 30 Civil Rights Review Facilities TrainingBloomington
      The Civil Rights Review process is part of the ICCB’s proactive effort to help colleges increase the accessibility of their campuses and programs and promote an atmosphere of diversity and inclusion. This training session focuses on the facilities inspection component of the civil rights review process and will include discussions of the background on the civil rights review process and what to expect during an onsite review, how to prepare for an onsite review, how to interpret the applicability of different accessibility standards, and engaging case studies related to facilities accessibility. This training is appropriate for directors of facilities and maintenance, representatives for disability services offices, anyone involved with the self-assessment of campus facilities, or anyone with an interest in understanding physical accessibility requirements.

      June 27 Nontraditional Careers SummitNormal
      This interactive session will provide Career and Technical educators, and those who support students and educators, with tools and activities to identify data driven and research-based strategies to increase access and achievement for students in nontraditional career preparation programs. Join leadership from the National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE) as they lead this discussion and share their Explore Nontraditional Careers Toolkit, which provides a research-grounded process to assist educators and counselors in transforming their practice to increase the participation and persistence of girls and women, and other underrepresented students, in nontraditional occupational programs and pathways that lead to STEM and other in-demand career fields.

      July 12 Career Pathways SymposiumSpringfield
      The Career Pathways Symposium will highlight effective practices across the community college system in Illinois and showcase the Career Pathways Compendium. Join us to learn where you fit into the pathway puzzle.