Board Goals

The mission of the Illinois Community College Board is support and assist Illinois’ 48 community colleges in providing high-quality, accessible, cost-effective educational opportunities for the individuals and communities they serve across the state of Illinois.  Illinois’ Community College System provides all Illinois residents with opportunities for economic and personal growth, civic engagement, and cultural awareness through a commitment to the following three goals:

  • GOAL 1:  Support minority, first generation, and low-income students across urban, rural, and suburban communities, through the promotion of evidence-based best practices that results in system wide improvement of equity metrics that reduce equity gaps.
  • GOAL 2:  Support a seamless transition for students into and through postsecondary education and the workforce by fostering system engagement and equitable access and outcomes for these students.
  • GOAL 3:  Contribute to economic development by supporting the Illinois community college system’s effort to provide robust workforce training, to expand apprenticeships, to increase credential attainment, to build quality career pathways, and to address the future needs of the Illinois workforce.

The Board will implement its goals with a focus and commitment to equitable access, opportunities, and positive outcomes for all students by promoting best practices, enabling evidence-based decision-making, and supporting system-wide continuous improvement.