Recommendations of the Illinois Community College Chief Academic Officers (ICCCAO) & Illinois Community College Chief Student Services Officers (ICCCSSO) on Placement Methods and Scores

On June 1, 2018, the Illinois Council of Community College Presidents approved a common placement framework for the 48 Illinois Community Colleges. This framework operates under the following assumptions:

  1. The document recommends that colleges use multiple measures for placement. At this point, it is not a mandate, but a system wide agreement. Many more steps are required to reach full implementation and complete consistency.
  2. The recommendation suggests a list of valid measures to choose from, including the scores on those measures.
  3. The recommendation charges the ICCB with doing further research about the validity of those measures.
  4. The recommendation charges the ICCB with putting together a working group to go over implementation issues. This working group must come from a cross-section of stakeholders in the Illinois community college system.
  5. The document demonstrates that the Illinois Community College system is aware of disparities in placement across the state and is actively working to correct those disparities in a collaborative manner.
  6. The ICCB has supported this effort, has been involved in high-level conversations about this work, and has worked to balance local control issues with the need for more statewide consistency on this issue.

Placement Framework

Community College Placement Scores FY 2017 – 2018

These represent the most recent collection of placement scores available in the Illinois Community College System. These scores are subject to change based upon local community college decisions. This information is provided to assist community colleges with their efforts to implement the Final Placement Recommendations.


Background Paper on the Development of the Common Cut Scores and Multiple Measures Framework

The ICCB is currently developing a background paper on the development of the Multiple Measures Recommendations, which is at the link above. This document is currently in DRAFT form and should be approached with an understanding that it will be updated as resources come available and further information is added.

For additional information contact Dr. Marcus Brown, Senior Director for Academic Affairs at

Letter of Support from Illinois Mathematics Association of Community Colleges

Slides for the presentation by Dr. John Hetts: Let Icarus Fly: Multiple Measures in Assessment and the Re-imagination of Student Capacity