The largest instructional program area for Illinois community colleges is Baccalaureate/Transfer. Baccalaureate/Transfer programs, which are offered at all Illinois community colleges, provide a smooth transition to a senior institution for students planning to complete a baccalaureate degree. All community colleges offer an Associate in Science (AS) degree for students planning to major in math science, or health related areas. An Associate in Arts (AA) is an appropriate degree for students planning to major in the liberal arts. The AA and AS degrees contain the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) General Education Core Curriculum (GECC). The GECC is a “package” of courses that when completed, can transfer to over 100 IAI participating institutions and be accepted in lieu of the receiving institutions lower-division general education core.

Community colleges may also offer an Associate in Engineering Science degree (AES), an Associate in Fine Arts (AFA) with options in music, music education art or art education, or an Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT). These are specialized transfer degrees that should be completed in total in order for community college students to be on a par with native university students at the beginning of the junior year. Special graduation and university admission requirements apply.

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